Observations from the Powder Room

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sad Day

Today was a very sad day. My friend from work, Bill Anderson, passed away and we're all heartbroken.

Last Thursday Bill was in a terrible bike accident and he died today. Bill and his wife had a beautiful baby boy last Tuesday and they we supposed to bring the little one home on Thursday. That morning Bill and his father-in-law went for a bike ride and something happened and Bill went over his handle bars.

Bill was a wonderful father (he also had a three year old daughter), a loving husband, a good friend and a dedicated advocate for those less fortunate.

None of us can make any sense of it. All I can say is hug and kiss your loved ones and tell your friends how important they are to you.

Bill we'll miss you!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cute things

Well, once again it's been too long since my last post. Here are some quick observations.

Missing Papa - Mark arrived home from his trip to MN last Wednesday after the boys had gone to sleep. In the morning around 6:30 Sam cam into our room and I showed him that Papa was home. He climbed over to Mark, gave him a hug and kiss and said, "Papa, I missed you very much." Actually, he said it several times - very cute!

Swimming - I can't believe how much Dylan and Sam's swimming has improved this summer. Although they are not using the traditional strokes they are moving pretty independently in the water relying on their swim muscles (those floats that fit over the arms) and kick boards. They can go the length of the pool with their kickboards. They go down the slide all by themselves and don't need to be caught. They just go into the water, pop to the top and "swim" to the side. This weekend they started jumping into the water holding hands - very cute!

Ice Cream Kisses - Tonight for dessert Dylan picked pudding and Sam wanted ice cream. Dylan finished first and while Sam was working his way though his ice cream cone he was offering bites to Papa and Mark. When I commented that he had an ice cream mustache and goatee he thought that was pretty funny. Dylan wanted a mustache so he kissed Sam and made sure he got a face full of ice cream too - again, very cute!

Well, that's all for now. More soon!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bad Blogger

OK, I admit it, I am a bad Blogger. There, I said it. Now I feel better.

I know I'm supposed to post regularly and that the posts don't have to be long, but I'm still a bit intimidated by this whole blog thing. My other excuse is work and life. Between my day job, my night job and my insane desire to spend some time with Mark and the boys, the blogg comes in last place.

Anyway, nothing as exciting as our trip to the emergency room has occurred since my last post and no more strange objects up their little noses.

Quick updates:

Dylan and Sam are swimming (kind of). They wear their swim muscles (inflatable arm bands) and move independently and with some confidence. Sam is going down the slide and doesn't need or want to be caught at the bottom. Dylan is going down the slide but he still wants to be caught at the bottom (it's good to be needed).

The boys loved the 4th of July and are already asking for fireworks again soon.

We attended our second soccer class and Dylan and Sam did very well.

Today we went to Ikea with Kumie and bought cute chair for their table in the basement. Dylan and Sam LOVED the kids play area and want to go back again to play.

Mark is in MN visiting the family and the boys miss their papa. They enjoyed chatting with Mark on the phone and are learning to talk about their day on the phone. It's sweet.

OK, I have to go to bed. I will try to post a couple times this week